Thursday, September 15, 2011

New Arrivals in Canadian Studies Library Sept 2011

  1. The thing with feathers / Elizabeth Zetlin. 2004.

  2. One of the family : Metis culture in nineteenth-century northwestern Saskatchewan / Brenda Macdougall 2009.

  3. Dear Marian, dear Hugh : The MacLennan-Engel correspondence / edited by Christl Verduyn. 1995.

  4. Deep cultural diversity : a governance challenge / Gilles Paquet 2008.

  5. Aboriginal Canada revisited. Kerstin Knopf, editor 2008

  6. Canadian foreign policy : in critical perpective / edited by J. Marshall Beier and Lana Wylie, editors 2010.

  7. Through a lens darkly : how the news media perceive and portray evangelicals / David M. Haskell 2009.

  8. Dog tracks : a novel / by Ruby Slipperjack 2008.

  9. Courting Johanna : based on "Hateship, friendship, courtship, loveship, marriage" by Alice Munro / Marcia Johnson 2009.

  10. Drew Hayden Taylor : essays on his works / edited by Robert Nunn 2008.

  11. Anti-terrorism : security & insecurity after 9/11. edited by Sandra Rollings-Magnusson 2009

  12. The box social and other stories Reaney, James. 1996

  13. The essential James Reaney / selected by Brian Bartlett Reaney, James, 1926-2008. 2009.

  14. Environmental law / Jamie Benidickson 2009.

  15. Canadian environmental policy and politics : prospects for leadership and innovation / edited by Debora L. 2009

  16. Canadian environmental policy and politics : prospects for leadership and innovation / edited by Debora L. VanNijnatten, Robert Boardman 2009.

  17. Mohawks on the Nile : natives among the Canadian voyageurs in Egypt, 1884-1885 / Carl Benn 2009.

  18. Robertson Davies : magician of words / Nicholas Maes 2009.

  19. Naomi's road / Joy Kogawa ; drawings by Ruth Ohi. 2005.

  20. Christianity and ethnicity in Canada / edited by Paul Bramadat and David Seljak 2008.

  21. Using knowledge and evidence in health care : multidisciplinary perspectives. edited by Louise Lemieux-Charles and Fran‡ois Champagne 2008

  22. Nunavut : rethinking political culture / Ailsa Henderson 2008.

  23. The comparative turn in Canadian political science / edited by Linda A. White ... [et al.] 2008.

  24. Multiculturalism and the Canadian constitution / edited by Stephen Tierney 2007.

  25. Statistical Year-Book of Canada/CANADA. DEPT. OF AGR 2010

  26. Canada Year Book /STATISTICS CANADA 2010

  27. Am I dead yet? / John Scully 2008.

  28. The Canadian federal election of 2008. edited by Jon H. Pammett & Christopher Dornan 2009

  29. Motorcycles & sweetgrass : a novel / Drew Hayden Taylor Taylor, Drew Hayden, 1962- 2010.

  30. Macroeconomics : Canada in the global environment / Michael Parkin, Ro Parkin, Michael, 1939- 2010.

  31. When she was queen / M.G. Vassanji. Vassanji, M. G 2006.

  32. The selected stories of Mavis : Gallant. Gallant, Mavis. 1997

  33. Home truths / Mavis Gallant. Gallant, Mavis. 2001.

  34. From the Fifteenth District / Mavis Gallant. Gallant, Mavis. 2001.

  35. No love lost / Alice Munro ; selected and with an afterword by Jane Urquhart. Munro, Alice, 1931- 2003.

  36. Going ashore : stories / Mavis Gallant ; with an introduction by Alberto Manguel Gallant, Mavis, 1922- 2010, 2009.

  37. Shakedown : how our government is undermining democracy in the name of human rights / Ezra Levant ; foreword by Mark Steyn Levant, Ezra, 1972- 2009.

  38. Canada among nations 2009-2010 : as others see us / edited by Fen Osler Hampson and Paul Heinbecker 2010.

  39. Marian and the Major : Marian Engel's Elizabeth and the golden city / edited by Christl Verduyn Engel, Marian 2010.

  40. Who owns the Arctic? : understanding sovereignty disputes in the north / Michael Byers Byers, Michael, 1966- 2009.

  41. Arctic A to Z / Wayne Lynch Lynch, Wayne 2009.

  42. Cruel tears / Ken Mitchell and Humphrey & the Dumptrucks Mitchell, Ken, 1940- 1977.

  43. The Athabasca Ryga / George Ryga ; edited by E. David Gregory Ryga, George. 1990.

  44. Summerland : George Ryga ; edited by Ann Kujundzic Ryga, George. 1992.

  45. Alternatives Taylor, Drew Hayden. 2000

  46. The Prairie novels / George Ryga ; edited by James Hoffman. Ryga, George 2004.

  47. 400 kilometres / Drew Hayden Taylor. Taylor, Drew Hayden, 1962- 2005.

  48. Immigration policy and the terrorist threat in Canada and the United States / edited by Alexander Moens and MartinCollacott/2008.

  49. Schoolmarm / Penny Petrone 2007.

  50. Marian Engel and her works/Brady, E. 1989

  51. jazz province: the story of jazz in Saskatchewan / Ken Mitchell. 2005.

  52. Someday: a play. Taylor, Drew Hayden. 1993

  53. Who are Canada's aboriginal peoples? : recognition, definition, and jurisdiction / edited by Paul L.A.H. Chartrand ; foreword by Harry W. Daniels. 2002.

  54. Advancing Aboriginal claims: visions, strategies, directions / edited by Kerry Wilkins. 2004.

  55. Aboriginal self-government in Canada : current trends and issues / edited by Yale D. Belanger Belanger, Yale Deron, 1968- 2008.

  56. Moving toward justice : legal traditions and Aboriginal justice / edited by John D. Whyte 2008.

  57. Community development in Canada / Jason D. Brown, David Hannis Brown, Jason, 1968- 2008

  58. The year of the flood : a novel / Margaret Atwood Atwood, Margaret, 1939- 2010.

  59. The rediscovered self : indigenous identity and cultural justice / Ronald Niezen Niezen, Ronald. 2009.

  60. Innovation, science, development : charting sustainable development in Canada, 1987-2007 / edited by Glen Toner 2009.

  61. Harper's team : behind the scenes in the Conservative rise to power / Tom Flanagan 2009.

  62. Local government and metropolitan regions in federal systems / edited by Nico Steytler ; senior editor, John Kincaid 2009.

  63. Absent citizens : disability politics and policy in Canada / Michael J. Prince 2009.

  64. In a world created by a drunken God / Drew Hayden Taylor. 2006.

  65. The Berlin blues / Drew Hayden Taylor 2007.

  66. Fearless warriors / Drew Hayden Taylor 2008.

  67. The Kappa child / Hiromi Goto. 2001.

  68. Toronto at dreamer's rock and Education is our right : two one-act plays / Taylor, Drew Hayden. 1990

  69. The bootlegger blues : a play / Drew Hayden Taylor. 1991.

  70. Al Purdy, Phyllis Webb, James Reaney, Alden Nowlan, and Milton Acorn Pub: ECW Press 1997

  71. James Reaney and his works / Stingle, Richard. 1991

  72. How to play : the theatre of James Reaney / Gerald D. Parke1991.

  73. Introducing Alice Munro's Lives of : girls and women a reader's guide. /Besner, Neil Kalman. 1990

  74. Some other reality : Alice Munro's Something I've been meaning to tell you./ Mackendrick, Louis K. 1993

  75. We are included! : the Métis people of Canada realize Riel's vision / John W. Friesen, Virginia Lyons Friesen. 2004.

  76. Haunted Alberta : 62 true ghost stories / Barbara Smith 2009.

  77. Alias Grace Atwood, Margaret. 2000

  78. The blind assassin / Margaret Atwood. Atwood, Margaret. 2001.

  79. Moral disorder / Margaret Atwood Atwood, Margaret, 1939- 2009.

  80. The door : poems / Margaret Atwood Atwood, Margaret, 1939- 2007.

  81. Montreal stories / Mavis Gallant; selected and with an introduction by Russell Banks. 2004.

  82. Paris stories / Mavis Gallant ; selected and with and introduction by Michael Ondaatje. 2002.

  83. Robertson Davies : a portrait in mosaic / Val Ross 2009.

  84. Cinnamon gardens Selvadurai, Shyam. 1999

  85. Amriika Vassanji, M. G. 2000.

  86. The Moslem wife and other stories / Mavis Gallant ; selected and with an afterword by Mordecai Richler. 1994.

  87. Nunavut / Carrie Gleason 2009.

  88. Reading Alice Munro in Italy / edited by Gianfranca Balestra, Laura Ferri, Caterina Ricciardi 2008.

  89. Half world / Hiromi Goto ; illustrations by Jillian Tamaki 2009.

  90. Criminology in Canada : theories, patterns, and typologies / Larry J. Siegel, Chris McCormick 2010.

  91. The other country : patterns in the writing of Alice Munro / James Carscallen 1993.

  92. Breaking the mould / Penny Petrone. 2001.

  93. Margaret Atwood : essays on her works. edited by Branko Gorjup 2008

  94. Behind the man : John Laurie, Ruth Gorman, and the Indian vote in Canada / by Ruth Gorman ; edited and with an introduction by Frits Pannekoek 2007.

  95. Canada's universities go global / editors, Roopa Desai Trilokekar, Glen A. Jones, Adrian Shubert 2009.

  96. Sucker Falls Taylor, Drew Hayden 2002

  97. Protecting rights in Canada / edited by Heather Kissock 2010.

  98. Nunavut : explore Canada's arctic / [editor, Heather C. Hudak] 2010.

  99. Naomi's tree / by Joy Kogawa ; illustrated by Ruth Ohi Kogawa, Joy. 2011.

  100. A brief history of Western thought / David Burge Burge, David, 1930- 2009.

  101. In search of April Raintree / ed. by Cheryl Suzack Mosionier, Beatrice Culleton. 1999

  102. Metis spirits / Deborah L. Delaronde Delaronde, Deborah L., 1958- 2006.

  103. The duty to consult : new relationships with Aboriginal peoples / Dwight G. Newman 2009.

  104. The M‚tis nation / written by Jean LaPrairie ; illustrated by Sheldon Dawson LaPrairie, Jean, 1955- 2009.

  105. Sarah Bastard's notebook / Marian Engel. Engel, Marian, 1933-1985. 2006.

  106. Size matters : Canada's ecological footprint, by income / by Hugh Mackenzie, Hans Messinger, Rick Smith 2008.

  107. Empires and autonomy: moments in the history of globalization. edited by Stephen M. Streeter, John C. Weaver, and William D. Coleman Weaver, Stephen M. 2009

  108. Environmental conflict and democracy in Canada / edited by Laurie E. Adkin 2009.

  109. Contested constitutionalism : reflections on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms / edited by James B. Kelly and Christopher P. Manfredi 2009.

  110. Unconventional wisdom : lectures from the John Kenneth Galbraith prize in economics / James Galbraith, Kari Levitt and Mel Watkins ; introduced by Jim Stanford and Marc Lee 2009.

  111. This is my own : letters to Wes & other writings on Japanese Canadians, 1941-1948 / by Muriel Kitagawa ; Roy Miki, ed 1985.

  112. The baby blues Taylor, Drew Hayden. 2001

  113. The boy in the treehouse ; Girl who loved her horses Taylor, Drew Hayden. 2000.

  114. The buz'gem blues / Drew Hayden Taylor. Taylor, Drew Hayden. 2002.

  115. The Metis lighthouse / Alexander Reford with the assistance of Paul Gendron [2008?]

  116. Said the river / drawings by : Janis Hoogstraten. Zetlin, Liz. 1995

  117. Women's health in Canada : critical perspectives on theory and policy / edited by

  118. Policing and gendered justice : examining the possibilities / Marilyn Corsianos 2009.

  119. The transformation of the Supreme Court of Canada : an empirical examination / Donald R. Songer 2008.

  120. Contemporary Canadian federalism : foundations, traditions, institutions / edited by Alain-G. Gagnon Le . English 2009.

  121. Emily Kato / Joy Kogawa. 2005.

  122. The lyre of Orpheus / Robertson Davies ; with an introduction by Rosemary Sullivan 2008.

  123. The lyre of Orpheus / Robertson Davies ; with an introduction by Rosemary Sullivan 2008.

  124. What's bred in the bone / Robertson Davies ; with an introduction by Rosemary Sullivan 2008.

  125. In transit : stories / Mavis Gallant ; with an introduction by Jane Urquhart 2006.

  126. Selected works on the art of writing / Robertson Davies ; edited and with an introduction by Jennifer Surridge 2008.

  127. Too much happiness : stories / Alice Munro 2010.

  128. The view from Castle Rock : stories / Alice Munro ; with an introduction by Elizabeth Hay 2010.

  129. Parameters of power : Canada's political institutions / Heather MacIvor 2010.

  130. Crosscurrents : contemporary political issues / edited by Mark Charlton and Paul Barker 2009.

  131. The scream / Rohinton Mistry ; illustrations by Tony Urquhart Mistry, Rohinton, 1952- 2008.

  132. Alice Munro's best : selected stories / with an introduction by Margaret Atwood Munro, Alice. [2008]

  133. The English patient / Michael Ondaatje. 2006.

  134. Heidegger and the Earth : essays in environmental philosophy / edited by Ladelle McWhorter and Gail Stenstad 2009.

  135. Canada in NORAD, 1957-2007 : a history / Joseph T. Jockel Jockel, Joseph T., 1952- 2007.

  136. Naomi's road / Joy Kogawa ; drawings by Ruth Ohi. Kogawa, Joy 2005.

  137. Alice Munro : A double life. Ross, Catherine Sheldrick. 1992

  138. The water of possibility / Hiromi Goto. Goto, Hiromi, 2001.

  139. Diversity and First Nations issues in Canada / John Roberts, Darion Boyington, Shah‚ S. Kazarian Roberts, John A., 1944- 2008.

  140. The night wanderer : a native gothic novel / Drew Hayden Taylor Taylor, Drew Hayden, 1962- 2007.

  141. Coyote's new suit / Thomas King ; illustrated by Johnny Wales King, Thomas, 1943- [2009?], 2004.

  142. Furious observations of a blue eyed Ojibway : funny, you don't look like one two three / Drew Hayden Taylor. Taylor, Drew Hayden. 2002.

  143. A place within : rediscovering India / M.G. Vassanji Vassanji, M. G 2009.

  144. The assassin's song / M.G. Vassanji Vassanji, M. G 2008.

  145. The Penelopiad / Margaret Atwood. Atwood, Margaret, 1939- 2006.

  146. The robber bride. Atwood, Margaret. 1999

  147. Cat's eye. Atwood, Margaret. 1999

  148. Lifelines : Marian Engel's writings. rhetoric of composite structure. Verduyn, Christl. 1995

  149. Lifelines : Marian Engel's writings. Verduyn, Christl. 1995

  150. Divining Margaret Laurence : a study of her complete writings. Nora Stovel Stovel, Nora Foster 2009

  151. Canada among nations 2008 : 100 years of Canadian foreign policy / edited by Robert Bothwell and Jean Daudelin 2009.

  152. In the news : the practice of media relations in Canada / William Wray Carney 2008.

  153. The long journey of a forgotten people : Métis identities and family histories / Ute Lischke and David T. McNab, editors 2007.

  154. Take the big picture / James Reaney ; [interior illustrations by Barbara Di Lella] 2008. 1986.

  155. Journeys : a history of Canada / R. Douglas Francis, Richard Jones, Donald B. Smith 2010.

  156. The sociology of education in Canada / Terry Wotherspoon Wotherspoon, Terry. 2009.

  157. Marian Engel: life in letters / edited by Christl Verduyn and Kathleen Garay. Engel, Marian 2004.

  158. Tracing the connected narrative : Arctic exploration in British print culture, 1818-1860 / Janice Cavell 2008.

  159. The Arctic promise : legal and political autonomy of Greenland and Nunavut / Natalia Loukacheva 2007.

  160. Changing Toronto : governing urban neoliberalism / Julie-Anne Boudreau, Roger Keil, and Douglas Young 2009.

  161. National security law : Canadian practice in international perspective / Craig Forcese 2008.

  162. The promise and perils of law : lawyers in Canadian history / Constance Backhouse & W. Wesley Pue, co-editors 2009.

  163. Realizing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples : triumph, hope, and action / edited by Jackie Hartley, Paul Joffe, and Jennifer Preston 2010.

  164. Images of internment : a bitter-sweet memoir in words and images : life in the New Denver Internment Camp, 1942-1946 / by Henry Shimizu 2008.

  165. Mediating Canadian politics / edited by Shannon Sampert, Linda Trimple 2010.

  166. Unequal relations : an introduction to race, ethnic, and Aboriginal dynamics in Canada / Augie Fleras 2010.

  167. Pursuing higher education in Canada : economic, social, and policy dimensions / edited by Ross Finnie ... [et al.] 2010.

  168. Darwin's bastards : astounding tales from tomorrow / selected & edited by Zsuzsi Gartner 2010.

  169. A Garden of anchors : selected poems / Joy Kogawa. Kogawa, Joy. 2003.

  170. Story-wallah! : a celebration of South Asian fiction / edited by Shyam Selvadurai. 2004.

  171. Swimming in the monsoon sea / Shyam Selvadurai Selvadurai, Shyam, 1965- 07], 2005.

  172. Valmiki's daughter / Shani Mootoo 2009.

  173. Aboriginal education : current crisis and future alternatives / edited by Jerry P. White ... [et al.] 2009.

  174. Social determinants of health : Canadian perspectives / edited by Dennis Raphael 2009.

  175. A history of human rights in Canada : essential issues / edited by Janet Miron 2009.

  176. Citizens of nowhere : from refugee camp to Canadian campus / Debi Goodwin 2010.

  177. One hundred million hearts / Kerri Sakamoto. 2004.

  178. Communication history in Canada. Daniel J. Robinson 2009

  179. Me sexy : an exploration of native sex and sexuality / compiled & edited by Drew Hayden Taylor 2008.

  180. What do I remember of the evacuation / Joy Kogawa Kogawa, Joy. 2009.

  181. Diaspora by design : Muslims in Canada and beyond / Haideh Moghissi ... [et al.] 2009.

  182. Racism in the Canadian university : demanding social justice, inclusion, and equity / edited by Frances Henry and Carol Tator 2009.