Tuesday, June 19, 2012

New Arrivals 2012

  1. Canada the state of the federation 2006/07 : Transitions fiscal and political federalism in an era of change. edited by John R. Allan, Thomas J. Courchene & Christian Leuprecht JL27 Leuprecht, Christian
  2.  A Garden of anchors : selected poems / Joy Kogawa. PS8521.O44 Kogawa, Joy.
  3.  Taking root / Elizabeth Zetlin. PS8599.E56 Zetlin, Liz. 
  4. The Boy with an R in His Hand Reaney, James
  5. The Canadianists : the ICCS, 25 years in the service of Canadian studies / Serge Jaumain Jaumain, Serge, 1961
  6.  Claiming Nunavut : 1971-1999 / Stephen A. Mercer Mercer, Stephen A.
  7. Joy Kogawa : essays on her works / edited by Sheena Wilson PR9199.3.K63
  8. Community place names of Alberta / Ernest G. Mardon, Austin A. Mardon F1075.4 Mardon, Ernest G., 1928-
  9.  Naturally woman : the search for self in Black Canadian women's literature / Sharon Morgan Beckford PR9188.2.B57 Beckford, Sharon Morgan.
  10.  Eugenics and the firewall : Canada's nasty little secret / Jane Harris-Zsovan HQ755.5.C2 Harris, Jane, 1960-
  11.  Home and native land : unsettling multiculturalism in Canada / edited by May Chazan ... [et al.] F1035.A1
  12.  Toronto sketches 10 / Mike Filey F1059.5.T684 Filey, Mike.
  13.  Arctic obsession : the lure of the Far North / Alexis S. Troubetzkoy G615 Troubetzkoy, Alexis S., 1934-
  14.  A better place : death and burial in nineteenth-century Ontario / Susan Smart GT3213.A3 Smart, Susan.
  15.  Fascinating Canada : a book of questions and answers / John Robert Colombo F1008.3 Colombo, John Robert, 1936-
  16.  Canada 1911 : the decisive election that shaped the country / Patrice Dutil and David MacKenzie F1033 Dutil, Patrice A., 1960-
  17. Gender, health, and popular culture : historical perspectives / edited by Cheryl Krasnick Warsh GN298 Warsh, Cheryl Lynn Krasnick, 1957-
  18.  Aboriginal peoples in Canadian cities : transformations and continuities / Heather A. Howard and Craig Proulx, editors E78.C2 Proulx, Craig, 1955-
  19.  Education and Ontario family history : a guide to the resources for genealogists and historians / Marian Press LA418.O6 Press, Marian.
  20.  Canada on Fire / Jennifer Crump E359.85 Crump, Jennifer.
  21.  How to make love to a Negro without getting tired : a novel / Dany Laferrière ; translated by David Homel PQ3919.2 Laferrière, Dany.
  22.  Happyland : a history of the "dirty thirties" in Saskatchewan, 1914-1937 / Curtis R. McManus HC117.S3 McManus, Curtis R., 1972-
  23.  Recreating Canada : essays in honour of Paul Weiler / edited by Randall Morck JL65 Morck, Randall.
  24.  In the writers' words : conversations with eight Canadian poets / Laurence Hutchman PR9190.2 Hutchman, Laurence
  25.  The politics of taxation in Canada / Geoffrey Hale. HJ2449 Hale, Geoffrey E.
  26.  Immigrant women in Atlantic Canada : challenges, negotiations, and re-constructions / edited by Evangelia Tastsoglou and Peruvemba S. Jaya JV6347 Tastsoglou, Evangelia.
  27.  The seduction of ethics : transforming the social sciences / Will C. van den Hoonaard H62 Van den Hoonaard, Will C. (Willy Carl), 1942-
  28.  Violence Against Women : Myths, facts, controversies / Walter S. DeKeseredy HV6250.4.W65 DeKeseredy, Walter S., 1959-
  29. A short history of the Canadian North / Ed Whitcomb F1090.5 Whitcomb, Edward A.
  30.  A short history of Newfoundland and Labrador F1123 Whitcomb, Edward A.
  31.  Will the real Alberta please stand up? / Geo Takach F1076 Takach, George F. (George Francis), 1960-
  32.  Vancouver Island book of everything : everything you wanted to know about Vancouver Island and were going to ask anyway / Peter Grant, Suzanne Morphet and Diane Selkirk F1089.V3 Grant, Peter, 1948-
  33. Narratives of citizenship : indigenous and diasporic peoples unsettle the nation-state / edited by Aloys N. M. Fleischmann, Nancy Van Styvendale, and Cody McCarroll HM1271
  34. Chronic healthcare spending disease : a macro diagnosis and prognosis / David A. Dodge, Richard Dion RA410.55.C2 Dodge, David A.
  35. Orality and literacy : reflections across disciplines / edited by Keith Thor Carlson, Kristina Fagan, and Natalia Khanenko-Friesen P35
  36. Climate, Culture, Change : Inuit and Western dialogues with a warming North / Timothy B. Leduc GN476.7 Leduc, Timothy B.
  37.  Fundamentals of privacy and freedom of information in Canada / Michel W. Drapeau, Marc-Aurèle Racicot KE1240 Drapeau, Michel W. (Michel William), 1943-
  38. In the belly of the laughing god : humour and irony in Native women's poetry / Jennifer Andrews PS591.I55 Andrews, Jennifer Courtney Elizabeth, 1971-
  39. The North Pacific triangle : the United States, Japan, and Canada at century's end / edited by Michael Fry. JZ1242 Fry, Michael
  40. Counseling across and beyond cultures : exploring the work of Clemmont E. Vontress in clinical practice / edited by Roy Moodley and Rinaldo Walcott BF636.7.C76 Walcott, Rinaldo, 1965-
  41.  Rediscovering Thomas Adams : rural planning and development in Canada / edited by Wayne J. Caldwell HN110.Z9 Adams, Thomas, 1871-1940.
  42.  Health inequities in Canada : intersectional frameworks and practices / edited by Olena Hankivsky ; with Sarah de Leeuw ... [et al.] RA449
  43.  Orienting Canada : race, empire, and the transpacific / John Price F1029.5.P Price, John, 1950-
  44. Geography of British Columbia : people and landscapes in transition / Brett McGillivray F1087 McGillivray, Brett, 1944-
  45.  Voting behaviour in Canada / edited by Cameron D. Anderson and Laura B. Stephenson JL193 Anderson, Cameron D.
  46. The business of women : marriage, family, and entrepreneurship in British Columbia, 1901-51 / Melanie Buddle HD6054.4.C22 Buddle, Melanie.
  47.  Locating global order : American power and Canadian security after 9/11 / edited by Bruno Charbonneau and Wayne S. Cox F1034.2
  48.  Critical criminology in Canada : new voices, new directions / edited by Aaron Doyle and Dawn Moore HV6019
  49.  Citizens adrift : the democratic disengagement of young Canadians / Paul Howe HQ799.9.P6 Howe, Paul, 1966-
  50. Asian religions in British Columbia / edited by Larry DeVries, Don Baker, and Dan Overmyer BL2530.C2 DEVRIES, LARRY(EDS.) ET AL DEVRIES
  51.  Judging homosexuals : a history of gay persecution in Quebec and France / Patrice Corriveau ; translated by Käthe Roth ; with a foreword by Barry Adam HQ76.45.C22 Corriveau, Patrice, 1974-
  52.  Awfully devoted women : lesbian lives in Canada, 1900-65 / Cameron Duder HQ75.6.C2 Duder, Cameron, 1962-
  53.  Aboriginal title and indigenous peoples : Canada, Australia, and New Zealand / edited by Louis A. Knafla and Haijo Westra KE7739.L3 Knafla, Louis A., 1935-
  54.  Quebec : the story of three sieges / Stephen Manning E199 Manning, Stephen, 1964-
  55.  Bombshell : the many faces of women terrorists / Mia Bloom HV6431 Bloom, Mia, 1968-
  56. The changing Canadian population / edited by Barry Edmonston and Eric Fong HB3529
  57.  Narrating a nation : Canadian history pre-Confederation / Raymond Blake ... [et al.] F1026
  58.  Canadian foreign policy : selected cases. Munton, Don.
  59.  International policy and politics in Canada / Kim Richard Nossal, Stéphane Roussel, Stéphane Paquin F1034.2 Nossal, Kim Richard.
  60.  The Penguin history of Canada / Robert Bothwell Bothwell, Robert, 1944-
  61.  Canadian foreign policy in a changing world / John Kirton. Kirton, John J.
  62.  Weird facts about Toronto / A.H. Jackson F1059.5.T684 Jackson, A. H., 1944-
  63.  The social determinants of health in Manitoba / Lynne Fernandez, Shauna MacKinnon and Jim Silver, editors RA450.M3
  64.  Arctic giants / researched & written by Neil Christopher ; foreword by Mark Kalluak ; illustrated by Eva Widermann ; cover art by Wayne A. Reynolds E99.E7 Christopher, Neil, 1972-
  65. Tales from the tundra : a collection of Inuit stories / retold by Ibi Kaslik ; illustrated by Anthony Brennan ; foreword by Louise Flaherty E99.E7 Kaslik, Ibolya, 1973-
  66.  ways to kill your community / by Doug Griffiths and Kelly Clemmer HN110.Z9 Griffiths, Doug.
  67. John Guy of Bristol and Newfoundland : his life, times and legacy / Alan F. Williams ; edited by W. Gordon Handcock and Chesley W. Sanger F1030.G99 Williams, Alan F.
  68. Making a living : place, food, and economy in an Inuit community / Nicole Gombay E99.E7 Gombay, Nicole.
  69. A monument in Manitoba : how a memorial to Icelandic patriot Jón Sigurdsson united his people / Jonas Thor ; translated by Daniel Teague F1064.5.W7 Jónas Þór, 1949- Voices from the past : Heritage perspectives 1 / columns by Doug Mackey F1057 Mackey, Doug, 1930-
  70.  The multicultural leader : life stories of influence and achievement / Soosan Daghighi Latham HM1261 Latham, Soosan Daghighi.
  71. Despite this loss : essays on culture, memory, and identity in Newfoundland and Labrador / edited by Ursula A. Kelly and Elizabeth Yeoman HN110.N49
  72.  Canadian Shield : the rocks that made Canada / [Nick Eyles ; photographs by Ed Bartram, Tessa Macintosh and Arnold Zageris GB132.C36 Eyles, N.
  73. Secrets of Lake Simcoe : fascinating stories from Ontario's past / Andrew Hind and Maria da Silva F1059.S59 Hind, Andrew.
  74.  First Nations peoples / Pamela Williamson and John Roberts E78.C2 Williamson, Pamela, 1959-
  75.  From "radical extremism" to "balanced copyright" : Canadian copyright and the digital agenda / edited by Michael Geist KE2799.5 Geist, Michael, 1968-
  76. Queer bodies : sexualities, genders, & fatness in physical education / Heather Sykes GV225.A1 Sykes, Heather Jane, 1962-
  77.  Metis firsts in North America : many little known facts about the Metis / compiled by Lawrence Barkwell E99.M47 Barkwell, Lawrence J., 1943-
  78.  From heroes to enemies : Finns in Canada, 1937-1947 / Varpu Lindström F1035.F5 Lindström, Varpu, 1948-
  79.  Farther up the main : coastal British Columbia stories / Wayne J. Lutz GV191.46.B7 Lutz, Wayne J., 1946-
  80.  The journey : a collection of new Canadian poetry / edited by Rachelle McCallum PR9195.72
  81. Cities as crucibles : reflections on Canada's urban future / François Lapointe HT169.C2 Lapointe, François, 1953-
  82.  Communications law and the courts in Canada : an annotated guide to judicial decisions relating to the regulation of communications and copyright in Canada / Peter S. Grant KE2560 Grant, Peter S., 1941-
  83. Strong voices : conversations with fifty Canadian authors / by Alan Twigg. T3.7 Twigg, Alan.
  84.  Protected areas and climate change in Canada : challenges and opportunities for adaptation / Christopher J. Lemieux ... [et al.] QH77.C2
  85. Mafia movies : a reader / by Dana Renga PN1995.9 M23 Renga, Dana, 1971-
  86.  The cat's table / Michael Ondaatje PR9199.3.O5 Ondaatje, Michael, 1943-
  87.  Wife to widow : lives, laws, and politics in nineteenth-century Montreal / Bettina Bradbury HQ1453 Bradbury, Bettina, 1949-
  88.  A little history of Canada / H.V. Nelles F1026 Nelles, H. V.
  89.  The heart does break : Canadian writers on grief and mourning / [edited by] George Bowering and Jean Baird Baird, Jean ; Bowering, George
  90. Canadian health law and policy / general editors: Jocelyn Downie, Timothy Caulfield, Colleen M. Flood KE3646
  91.  Diversity, crime, and justice in Canada / edited by Barbara Perry HM671 Perry, Barbara J. (Barbara Jean), 1962-
  92. Visions of the heart : Canadian aboriginal issues / [edited by] David Long & Olive Patricia Dickason E78.C2 Dickason, Olive Patricia, 1920-
  93. Readings in Canadian foreign policy : classic debates and new ideas / [edited by] Duane Bratt, Christopher J. Kukucha F1034.2
  94. A history of the Canadian peoples / J.M. Bumsted F1026 Bumsted, J. M.
  95.  First Nations in the twenty-first century / James S. Frideres E78.C2 Frideres, James.
  96. Canada's international policies : agendas, alternatives and politics / Brian Tomlin, Norman Hillmer, and Fen Hampson Tomlin, Brian W., 1944-
  97. Borders and bridges : Canada's policy relations in North America / [edited by] Monica Gattinger, Geoffrey Hale JL75 Hale, Geoffrey, 1955-
  98. Racism, colonialism, and indigeneity in Canada : a reader / edited by Martin J. Cannon & Lina Sunseri E78.C2
  99.  Alberta Scandinavian politicians, 1905-2008 / by Austin A. Mardon & Ernest G. Mardon ; edited by Nicole Spears & Katarina Bogojevic F1075.8 Mardon, Austin A. (Austin Albert)
  100. Succeeding from the margins of Canadian society : a strategic resource for new immigrants, refugees and international students / by Francis Adu-Febiri and Everett Ofori F1035.A1 Adu-Febiri, Francis.
  101. In flux : transnational shifts in Asian Canadian writing / Roy Miki ; edited by Smaro Kambourelli PR9195.35.A8 Miki, Roy, 1942-
  102.  Hooked on Canadian books : the good, the better, and the best Canadian novels since 1984 / T.F. Rigelhof PR9192.5 Rigelhof, T. F
  103.  Great musicians from our First Nations / by Vincent Schilling ML3929 Schilling, Vincent, 1967-
  104.  How Canadians communicate III : contexts of Canadian popular culture / edited by Bart Beaty ... [et al.] F1021 Beaty, Bart.
  105.  The origin of species : a novel / Nino Ricci PR9199.3.R512 Ricci, Nino.
  106. A cycle of the moon : a novel / Uma Parameswaran PR9199.3 Parameswaran, Uma
  107.  Aboriginal peoples in Canadian cities : transformations and continuities / Heather A. Howard and Craig Proulx, editors E78.C2 Proulx, Craig, 1955-
  108. Genealogy and the law in Canada / Margaret Ann Wilkinson KE4422 Wilkinson, Margaret Ann.
  109.  Come walk with me : a memoir / Beatrice Mosionier PR9199.3.M67 Mosionier, Beatrice, 1949-
  110. One Hundred Years of Social Work : A history of the profession in English Canada, 1900-2000 / Therese Jennissen and Colleen Lundy HV105 Jennissen, Therese.
  111.  One Native life / Richard Wagamese PR9199.3.W316 Wagamese, Richard.
  112.  Canadian immigration : economic evidence for a dynamic policy environment / Ted McDonald ... [et al.], editors JV7225.2 McDonald, Ted
  113.  From innovation to transformation : moving up the curve in Ontario healthcare / Elinor Caplan ... [et al.] RA450.O6
  114.  Aboriginal oral traditions : theory, practice, ethics / edited by Renée Hulan and Renate Eigenbrod GN476 Eigenbrod, Renate, 1944-
  115.  Research is ceremony : indigenous research methods / Shawn Wilson GN380 Wilson, Shawn.
  116.  Private affluence, public austerity : economic crisis & democratic malaise in Canada / Stephen McBride & Heather Whiteside HC115 McBride, Stephen.
  117.  Wasáse : indigenous pathways of action and freedom / Taiaiake Alfred. E98.S7 Alfred, Taiaiake.
  118. Poverty in Canada : implications for health and quality of life / Dennis Raphael ; forewords by Rob Rainer, Jack Layton HC120.P6 Raphael, Dennis.
  119. Urban Aboriginal communities in Canada : complexities, challenges, opportunities / edited by Peter Dinsdale, Jerry White, and Calvin Hanselmann E78.C2 Hanselmann, Calvin.
  120. Northrop Frye on twentieth-century literature / edited by Glen Robert Gill PN37 Frye, Northrop, 1912-1991.
  121. Thinking government : public administration and politics in Canada / David Johnson JL108 Johnson, David, 1957-
  122.  Canada's indigenous constitution / John Borrows KE7709 Borrows, John, 1963-
  123.  First Nations education policy in Canada : progress or gridlock? / Jerry Paquette and Gérald Fallon E96.2 Paquette, Jerald E., 1946-
  124. Vancouver exposed : a history in photographs / Donald E. Waite F1089.5.V22 Waite, Don, 1944-
  125. History of Maxville and the community / prepared by Maxville Women's Institute F1059.5.M34 Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario.
  126. Abandoned Ontario : abandoned buildings of Ontario / photographed & written by Bruce R. Brigham F1057 Brigham, Bruce R., 1967-
  127. Freedom, land, and legacy : Alberta's Estonians 1899-2009 / [compiled by Dave Kiil and Eda McClung] F1080.E85 Kiil, Dave, 1936-
  128. History of Tusket, Nova Scotia / by Don R. Pothier ; edited with an introduction by Peter Crowell F1039.5.T87 Pothier, Don R. (Don Richard), 1944-
  129. Deconstructing and reconstructing lives : auto/biography in educational settings / by Lucy Forsyth Townsend and Gaby Weiner CT21 Townsend, Lucy, 1944-
  130. Restoring the balance : First Nations women, community, and culture / Gail Guthrie Valaskakis, Madeleine Dion Stout, and Eric Guimond, editors E98.W8 Valaskakis, Gail Guthrie.
  131. Beauty and sadness : or the intermingling of life and literature / André Alexis PR9199.3 Alexis, André, 1957-
  132. Conducting administrative, oversight & ombudsman investigations / Gareth Jones KE5019 Jones, Gareth, 1959-
  133. Applied anthropology in Canada : understanding aboriginal issues / Edward J. Hedican E78.C2 Hedican, Edward J.
  134.  Defence and discovery : Canada 's military space program, 1945-74 / Andrew Godefroy UG1525.C2 Godefroy, Andrew B.
  135. Comparing mythologies / Tomson Highway ; [introduction] by John Moss. BL315 Highway, Tomson, 1951-
  136. The service state : rhetoric, reality and promise / Patrice Dutil ... [et al.] JL86.C87 Dutil, Patrice
  137. The courts, the Charter and the schools : the impact of the Charter of rights and freedoms on educational policy and practice, 1982-2007 / edited by Michael Manley-Casimir and Kirsten Manley-Casimir KE3805 Manley-Casimir, Michael E.
  138. On the art of being Canadian / Sherrill Grace N6545 Grace, Sherrill E., 1944-
  139. Constitutional politics in Canada after the Charter : liberalism, communitarianism, and systemism / Patrick James KE4199 James, Patrick, 1957-
  140. Contact zones : aboriginal and settler women in Canada's colonial past / edited by Katie Pickles and Myra Rutherdale. E78.C2 Pickles, Katie (ed.)
  141. Indigenous legal traditions Law Commission of Canada
  142.  Indigenous storywork : educating the heart, mind, body, and spirit / Jo-Ann Archibald (Q'um Q'um Xiiem) E78.B9 Archibald, Jo-ann, 1950-
  143. Braiding histories : learning from Aboriginal peoples' experiences and perspectives / Susan D. Dion GN380 Dion, Susan D.
  144. How Ottawa spends, 2011-2012 : trimming fat or slicing pork? / edited by Christopher Stoney and G. Bruce Doern HJ7663
  145.  The empire within : postcolonial thought and political activism in sixties Montreal / Sean Mills Mills, Sean.
  146. Canada and its Americas : transnational navigations / edited by Winfried Siemerling and Sarah Phillips Casteel PR9189.6 Siemerling, Winfried, 1956-
  147. The changing Canadian population / edited by Barry Edmonston and Eric Fong HB3529
  148. Trudeau transformed : the shaping of a statesman 1944-1965. Volume 2 / Max and Monique Nemni ; translated by George Tombs F1034.3.T7 Nemni, Max.
  149.  Undisciplined women : tradition and culture in Canada / ed. by Pauline Greenhill. HQ1453.U53 Greenhill, Pauline ; Tye, Diane
  150.  Achieving student success : effective student services in Canadian higher education / edited by Donna Hardy Cox and C. Carney Strange LA417 Hardy Cox, Donna.
  151. The language of the Inuit : syntax, semantics, and society in the Arctic / Louis-Jacques Dorais PM50 Dorais, Louis-Jacques, 1945- 
  152. Tell it to the trees / Anita Rau Badami PR9499.3.B17 Badami, Anita Rau, 1961-
  153.  Mordecai : the life & times / Charles Foran PR9199.3.R5 Foran, Charles, 1960-
  154. The greatest game : the Montreal Canadiens, the Red Army, and the night that saved hockey / Todd Denault GV847.7 Denault, Todd.
  155.  The truth about Canada : some important, some astonishing, some truly appalling things all Canadians should know about our country / Mel Hurtig F1034.2 Hurtig, Mel.
  156. The Journey Prize stories. [22] : the best of Canada's new writers / selected by Pasha Malla, Joan Thomas, Alissa York PR9197.32 Various
  157.  Administrative law in Canada / Sara Blake KE5015 Blake, Sara, 1956-
  158. Pierre Elliott Trudeau / by Nino Ricci ; with an introduction by John Ralston Saul F1034.3 Ricci, Nino
  159. Can you hear the nightbird call? / Anita Rau Badami PS8553.A2845 Badami, Anita Rau, 1961-
  160. Tamarind mem / Anita Rau Badami PR9499.3* PR9499.3 B18 PR9499 .3 B18 Badami, Anita Rau, 1961-
  161. Feed my dear dogs / Emma Richler. PS8585.I3673 Richler, Emma, 1961-
  162. Essentials of early childhood education / Carol Gestwicki, Jane Bertrand LB1775.6 Gestwicki, Carol, 1940-
  163.  Health care ethics in Canada / edited by Françoise Baylis ... [et al.] R724 Baylis, Franoise, 1961-
  164. Climate change in Canada / Rodney White QC981.8. White, Rodney R.
  165. The law of civil procedure in Ontario / Paul M. Perrell, John W. Morden KEO1119 Perell, Paul M.
  166.  Journeys : a history of Canada / R. Douglas Francis, Richard Jones, Donald B. Smith F1026 Francis, R. D. (R. Douglas), 1944-
  167. Colonialism and racism in Canada : historical traces and contemporary issues / Maria A. Wallis, Lina Sunseri, Grace-Edward Galabuzi F1035.A1 Wallis, Maria A. (Maria Antoinette), 1960-
  168.  Mannequin rising / Roy Miki PR9199.3.M55 Miki, Roy
  169. Web 2.0 and libraries : impacts, technologies and trends / edited by Dave Parkes and Geoff Walton Z674.75.I58
  170.  Canadian family law / Julien D. Payne and Marilyn A. Payne KE539 Payne, Julien D., 1934-
  171. City of love and revolution : Vancouver in the sixties / Lawrence Aronsen F1089.5.V22 Aronsen, Lawrence, 1948-
  172. Teaching students with special needs in inclusive settings
  173.  Best Canadian stories 09 / edited by John Metcalf PR9197.32
  174. Death in the barren ground / Edgar Christian ; edited by George Whalley F1100.T5 Christian, Edgar Vernon, 1908-1927.
  175.  The forever banyan tree / Uma Parameswaran PS8581.A73 Parameswaran, Uma.
  176.  Fighter pilots never die / Uma Parameswaran PS8581.A73 Parameswaran, Uma.
  177.  Listening to ourselves-- stories about life-- : voices of women from Bangladesh, Canada, China, Columbia, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Sri Lanka, Turkey / Newcomer Women's Services Toronto F1035.A1