Monday, February 25, 2013

Doing Business in India

Doing Business in India

Event Date(s): March 1, 2013
Event Location: HEC Montreal (Amphitheatre IBM)

Event Details

The Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, in collaboration with HEC Montreal and Canada India Business Council, is organizing a conference on “Doing Business in India” on March 1 as follow:

From 7:30 to 16:30 :Participation open to all

This conference will focus on identifying key opportunities, challenges and best practices for potential Canadian investments in India on some priority sectors, i.e. energy, food security, infrastructure and education etc. The Conference program includes panels on important challenges faced in key areas mentioned above and will be attended by eminent researchers and scholars from Universities in Quebec/Canada working in collaboration with their Indian partners. The focus will be on the following key areas:

■Quebec & India partnerships

■Women in Indian businesses

■Development Issues

From 16h:30 to 21h:00: Round Table on “Future agenda for Canada India Partnership; Unlocking its full potential” jointly organized by Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute and Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce.
Attendance to the round table is by invitations only.

The Round Table will focus on key areas of agriculture and food processing; education; energy, science, technology and innovation; SMEs and bridge building role of Indo-Canadians.

We expect senior academic and Industry leaders from both Canada and India along with community and government representatives to participate in the event. Interaction of academic leadership, researchers and scholars with the industry and government stakeholders is an important key objective of the Round Table discussions.

Both SICI and ICCC are united in their objective to make due contribution to the promotion of Canada India Partnership and for unlocking the full potential of Canada-India relations in coming years

Roundtable Brochure